Breast Reconstruction
Breast reconstruction is a multi-stage reconstruction following mastectomy for cancer or pre-cancer conditions.
This is a very rewarding restoring process. The women’s breast shape and size restored and it is completed by reconstructing the nipple and areola , when they are missing. There are several methods depending upon the external of the removal of the breasts. Again, this is a multi stage process and the goal is to have bilateral symmetrical size and shape.
Who are the best candidates?
These are women who have undergone removal of one or both breasts, as a result of cancer or who may have a family history of breast cancer.
Patients who are in good health
Whose height and weight are in a normal health range
Realistic expectations
Many of these reconstructions are carried out at the time of mastectomy or who have finished chemotherapy or radiotherapy. There are several methods of reconstruction depending on the individual type of mastectomy and the amount of skin left behind to work with.
Usual Methods are:
Implants Only – In selected cases where there is an adequate amount of skin and muscle saved, it is possible to reconstruct the breast in one stage with an implant.
Tissue Expander and Implant – An empty balloon-like device is inserted under the breast through a small incision and is filled with a sterile solution. Over the next few months, more fluid will gradually be added to the expander until the skin forms a breast shape. Once the desired size is achieved, the expander is removed and a permanent implant is placed under the breast.
Latissium Dorsi Myocutaneous Flap – Skin and muscle are taken from the patient’s back and used to make a breast mound. This method is suitable for women with larger breasts who do not have enough abdominal tissue available for the TRAM flap technique.
Tram Flap, Free Flaps, and Perforator Free Flaps – Muscle skin along with fat is taken from the abdominal area and applied to the breast area. In a Free tram flap breast, mound is created and the vessels are reattached by microsurgery, so the tissue has a steady blood supply. This type of breast reconstruction may not be suitable for very slim patients.
Will insurance cover this procedure?
Yes, Insurance companies by law will have to cover the breast reconstruction
What are the risks?
It is a safe procedure but all surgeries have risks. During your visit, Dr. Das will discuss your procedure in detail with you step by step. Common risk is bleeding, infection, slow or poor wound healing.
If you are interested in learning more or wish to schedule a consultation, please fill out our contact form.