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Suman Das Publications


Das SK. John HT. Oesophageal intubation in obstructive lesions of oesophagus. Brit. J. Surg. 60(5): 403-406, May 1973.


Das SK. Brown HG. An anomalous flexor digitorum sublimis muscle to index finger with absent lumbrical. Brit.J. of Plast. Surg. 28: 299 300, Oct. 1975.


Das SK. The size of the human omentum and methods of lengthening for transplantation. Brit. J. of Plast. Surg. 29: 70-174, April, 1976.


Das SK. Brown HG. In search of complications in carpal tunnel decompression. Hand 8(3): 243 249, Oct. 1976.


Das SK. Brown HG. Management of lost fingertips in children. The Hand. l0(1): 16 27, Feb. 1978.


Das SK. Munro IR. Hendrick EB. Hoffman HJ. Humphreys RP. Eight years experience in the surgical correction of orbital hypertelorism”. ASPRS/ASMA. Plast. Surg. Forum 1: 97, 1978.


Das SK. Munro IR. Anosmia in Crouzon’s syndrome and its recovery following craniofacial reconstruction. Brit. J. of Plast. Surg. 32: 42-43, 1979.


Das SK. Munro IR. How to improve results in orbital hypertelorism. Ann. Plast. Surg. 2(6): 499 507, 1979.


Das SK. O’Brien B. Microlymphatic surgery in management of lymphedema of the upper limb. J. Singapore Acad. Sci. 8(4): 474 480, Oct. 1979.


Das SK. Browning FSC. O’Brien BMcC. Nicoll S. Segmental microvenous graft to the artery. Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 33: 365 370, 1980.

Robertson DM. Smith DC. Das SK. Kumar A. Microdensitometry as a clinical tool for diagnosing the progress of fracture healing. J. Oral. Surg. 38: 740-743, 1980.


Das SK. Franklin JD. O’Brien SMcC. Morrison W. A practical model of secondary lymphedema in dogs. Plast. Reconst. Surg. 68(3): 422 428, 1981.


O’Brien BMcC. Das SK. Franklin JD. Morrison W. Role of lymphangiogram in the management of lymphedema. Plast. Reconst. Surg. 68(6): 922 926, 1981.


Das SK. Munro IR. A painless wettable donor site dressing. Ann. Plast. Surg. 7(1): 48 53, 1981.


Das SK. Cragun JR. Wheeler ES. Goshgarian G. Miller TA. Free Grafting of the omentum for soft tissue augmentation: A preliminary laboratory study. Plast. Reconst. Surg. 68(4): 556-560, 1981.


Miller TA. Das SK. An early report of free muscle grafts in rabbits. Transaction of the Muscle Transplantation in Vienna, 1980. G. Frielinger (ed.) Springer Verlag WIEN, pp.83 89, June 1981.


Das SK. Assessment of the size of the human omentum. ACTA Anatomica. 110: 108 112, July 1981.


Miller TA. Das SK. Classification and treatment of lymphedema in Symposium on Vascular Malformations and Melanotic Lesions. Vol. 22, Ch. 25, pp. 232-240., B. Williams (ed), C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1982.


Das SK. O’Brien BMcC. The fate of microvascular free flap allografts in rabbits. Surg. Forum 33: 567- 568, 1982.


Das SK. Cragun JR. Idler R. Miller TA. Autogenous free muscle graft and regeneration in rabbits. A preliminary report. Plast. Reconst. Surg. 69(3): 500 508, March 1982.


Cedars MG. Das SK. Miller TA. The microscopic morphology and histochemistry of free muscle grafts in rabbits. Plast.Reconst. Surg. 72(2): 179 187, 1983.


Gould JS. Sully L. O’Brien BMcC. Das SK. Knight KR. Hurley JV. The effects of combined cooling and perfusion on experimental free flap survival in rabbits. Plast. Reconst.Surg. 76(l): 104-194, 1985.


Lewin JR. Das SK. Howell GE. Blumentahal BI. Pate RB. D’Cruz D. Osseous pseudotumor: The sole manifestation of sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy. J. Clin. Path. 84(4): 547-550, 1985.


Das SK. Spector SA. Miller TA. Martin TP. Edgerton VR. Model for microneurovascular free muscle transplantation in dogs. Plast. Reconst. Surg. 77(5): 804 813, 1986.


Jabaley ME. Das SK. Late breast pain following reconstruction with polyurethane covered implants. Report of two cases. Plast. Reconst. Surg. 78(3): 390 395, 1986.


Das SK. Khansur T. Sanders J. Evaluation of staging work up in malignant melanoma. Arch. Surg. 124: 847 849, 1989.


Davidson SF. Das SK. Smith EE. Cellular schwannoma of the hand. J. Hand Surg. 14A: 907-9, 1989.


Davidson SF. Brantley S. Talbot PJ. Das SK. “Effect of long term UV irradiation on wound healing”. Surgical Forum, Vol. XL, P 643, 1989.


Davidson SF. Brantley SK. Talbot PJ. Das SK. A functional model of microvascular thrombosis. Plastic & Reconst. Surg. 86(3): 579-581, 1990.


Brantley SK. Davidson SF. St. Arnold PA. Das SK. Assessment of the lymphocyte response to silicone. Plast. Reconst. Surg. 86 (6): 1131-1137, 1990.


Brantley SK. Davidson SF. St. Arnold PA. Das SK. Effects of prior exposure to silicone on capsular formation, histology, and pressure. Ann. Plast. Surg. 25(1): 44-47, 1990.


Das SK. Davidson SF. Walker BL. Talbot PJ. The fate of free autogenous fascial grafts in the rabbit. Br. J. Plast. Surg. 43(3): 315-7, 1990.


Davidson SF. Brantley SK. Das SK. Comparison of single-dose antithrombotic agents in the prevention of microvascular thrombosis. J. Hand Surg. 16 (4): 585-589, 1991.


Davidson SF. Das SK. Brantley SK. Effect of UV radiation on wound healing. Br. J. Plast.Surg. 44: 210-214, 1991.


Barraza K. Waggner E. Das SK. Severe frostbite caused by freon gas. Southern Medical J. 84: 1143-1146, 1991.


Brantley SK. Davidson SF. Das SK. A dose-related curve of wound tensile strength following ultraviolet irradiation in the hairless guinea pig. Am. J. Med. Sci. 302: 75-81, 1991.


Das SK. Brantley SK. Davidson SF. Wound tensile strength in the hairless guinea pig following irradiation with pure ultraviolet-A light. Br. J. Plast. Surg. 44: 509-513, 1991.


Das SK. Johnson M. Brantley S. Kanosky MG. Ellsaesser C. Johnson S. Macrophage interleukin-1 response to injected silicone in a rat model. Ann. Plast. Surg. 28: 535-537, 1992


Das SK. Johnson SG. Brantley S. Johnson M. The effects of injected silicone on DNA lymphocytic structure. J. long-term effects of medical implants. 1(3): 285-291, 1992.


Cox GW. Runnels S. Hsu HSH. Das SK. A comparison of heparinized saline irrigation solutions in a model of microvascular thrombosis. Brit. J. Plast. Surg.45: 345-348, 1992.


Davidson SF. Brantley SK. Johnson SG. Hsu HSH. Das SK. The effects of ultraviolet irradiation on wound contraction in the hairless guinea pig. Brit. J. Plast. Surg. 45: 508-511, l992.


Parent AD. Das SK. Mallette RA. Haines DE. Significance of the Lateral CanthalTendon in Craniofacial Surgery. Pediatric Neurosurg. l9(2): 73-77, l993.


Das SK, Miller J. Electric Burns of the Mouth. Problems in General Surgery; Burns. 11(4): 674-679, 1994.


Das SK. Meeks GR. Patel BR. Rivlin M. Leuprolide acetate in the management of cesarean scar endometriosis. Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology. 85:838-839, 1995


Das SK. Runnels RS. Smith JC. Cohly HP. Epidemiology of Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate in Mississippi.Southern Medical Journal 88(4): 437-442, 1995


Das SK. Miller J. Local antithrombatic agents. Journal of Microsurgery , September, 1995


Das SK, Johnson MB, Cohly HP. Catfish Stings in Mississippi. Southern Medical Journal 88 (8): 809-812, 1995


Talbot P, Tajeswar-kanjik R, Das SK, Cohly HP. Stimulation of Nitric Oxide synthase activity in rats by wound healing agent turmeric and its extracted products. Surgical Forum Volume 325 XV, 1995


Das L, Cohly HP, Reno WL III, Goswami D, Das SK. Laser Doppler evalutation of the human tympanic membrane measuring blood flow, voltage and velocity. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 24:76-81, 1995


Das SK. Nail Unit Matrix Transplantation: A Plastic Surgeon’s Approach. Dermatologic Surgery, 27:242-245, 2001



Das, S.K. Use of the omentum in reconstructive surgery. In the book entitled, ” Manual of Operative Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery”. J. Barron and M.N. Saad (Eds), Churchill and Livingstone, 1980.


Das, S.K.: Use of omentum for chest wall reconstruction (Ch.296) for Encyclopedia of Flaps. W. Grabb, M.D., Berish Strauch, M.D., and Luis Vasconez, M.D., (Eds), Little Brown and Co., 1990.


Das, S.K. and Lesavoy, M.: Microvascular Free Transfer of Omentum to the Cheek (Ch.127) for Encyclopedia of Flaps. W. Grabb, M.D., Berish Strauch, M.D., and Luis Vasconez, M.D., (Eds) Little Brown and Co., 1990.


Das, S.K. and Lesavoy, M.: Omental flap for cheek and neck and intraoral reconstruction.(Book Chapter). Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps, W. Grabb, M.D., Berish Strauch, M.D., and Luis Vasconez, M.D., (Eds), Little Brown and Co., Hall-Findlay EJ. Boston, Vol. I, Sec. 1F, 1990.


Das, S.K. and Routledge, R.T.: Omental flap for Breast Reconstruction (Book Chapter).Grabb’s Encyclopedia. Brabb, M.D., Berish Strauch, M.D., and Luis Vasconez, M.D. (Eds). Little Brown and Co., Hall-Findlay EJ.Boston, Vol. I, Sec 1A, 1990.


Das, S.K.: Wound Healing, Operative Incision and Skin Grafts. (Book Chapter) for Textbook of Surgery, 2ndEd., J. Hardy, (Ed), J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1988, Page 106.


Das, S.K.: Microvascular Free Transfer of Omentum. Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps,.Scalp, Forehead, and Nape of Neck Reconstruction. Little Brown and Co., Strauch B, Vasconez, LO., (Eds). Hall-Findley EJ. Boston, Vol. III, Sec. 3B. 1990.


Das, S.K., Davidson S.F, Jabaley M.F. Wound Care, Closure and Coverage. In: Management of Complex Upper Extremity Injuries. Freeland, A., and Hughes, J.L. (Eds.). Springer-Verlag. In press.



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